Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sacred Marriage

Over the period of the last two years, we've had the privilege of reading and going through several marriage books and studies with some of our friends.

I(Scott) would say the purpose we are doing these studies, isn't because our marriage is struggling, but because we want to keep our marriage on the right track with Biblical insight. Reading different authors' opinions on the topic of marriage, with a Biblical backing, is a way we have found to help us in that area.

Some of the books and studies we've been through are:
The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Two Becoming One by Don and Sally Meredith
Cinderella Meets the Caveman by David E. Clarke
The Book of Hosea (from the Old Testament in the Bible)

Each book or study has had things we agree with, and things we disagree with, but we've enjoyed reading them and discussing them together and taking them as an opportunity to work on our marriage together.

Right now, Rebecca and I are having the privilege to read through the book, Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, with some of our friends. We are reading one to two chapters each week for discussion, and so far we have read and discussed the first three chapters of the book. Sacred Marriage has become my favorite marriage book, even though we are only a few chapters into it right now.

Have you read any marriage book(s) or been to any seminar(s) that encouraged you on where to keep the focus of your marriage? If so, we would love to know what those have been. If you have any questions about any of the books/studies we've been through, feel free to ask us about them and we'll gladly give our opinions on them.


  1. Weekend to Remember conferences are excellent. What was your take on Cinderella meets the caveman? It showed us a lot on communicating but at times felt like more of a chore, i.e. the lists of needs. That got old really quick. We had to change that to a short snippet at the beginning of the day or the end by asking each other if we met each other's needs.

  2. My take on Cinderella:
    I like his style, because it was the first book with a humorous approach to the subject. I think for me, it was realizing how robotic/Gibbons like we are in our marriages. On the part about talking for 30 minutes a day, we didn't think the length of talking was necessary, as much as the quality. We think he put it in there, because he knows that couples probably don't talk as much as they should and it was a way to encourage more talking.
